Tag Archives: down

Why do some exercises make you buff up while others make you slim down?

Question by sadirony: Why do some exercises make you buff up while others make you slim down?
And what are some exercises I can do that will help me slim down?

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica k
because when u exercise you do it to lose fat but if u exercise an area that dont got fat u get muscle!!!!!!!

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How can I exercise to burn fat and slim down?

Question by =]: How can I exercise to burn fat and slim down?
In addition to eating healthy and drinking lots of water, i need to know how i can exercise to get slimmer. Alot of exercises (like pilates) do alot to strengthen abs, but i don’t want to have super defined and manly looking abs; i just want a flat stomach.(I’m a woman) I also want thin thighs rather than really muscular and bulky thighs. I am not overweight at the moment, i would just like to be a little thinner all around. How can i do that without getting too muscular?

Best answer:

Answer by Wooba Wooba
The women who have REALLY defined muscles and “look like a guy” as you put it do a HELL of a lot more than pilates. Do lots of cardio exercise to slim down. Ride a bike, jog, use the elliptical, do pilates and aerobics, whatever you like.

Unless you are spending hours a day in a gym every day lifting weights the chances of you looking like a female bodybuilder are similar to that of you getting hit by lightning after you just won the lottery.

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Not being able to do situps or some pilates exercises without someone holding down feet: Is it a core issue?

Question by Niki T: Not being able to do situps or some pilates exercises without someone holding down feet: Is it a core issue?
I’m wondering because it seems that every time I watch a pilates instruction video, they seem to have no issue doing the moves without someone holding their feet down and I do.

I am not fat but I am slightly larger than the fitness models on these things and I carry a lot of my weight in my bust so is this just a matter of being too top heavy or if I keep at it, can I eventually be able to do it on my own?

Best answer:

Answer by Pinklovaa
keep trying. don’t quit because of a minor set back. don’t worry. once you’ve done it so many times, you will be fine on your own. try putting heavy books on your feet instead of a person. technically that is doing it on your own. =) Just kidding. Don’t stop trying!

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