Tag Archives: work

Q&A: Besides swimming, what are good aerobic exercises that I can do, that work out every muscle?

Question by Alice: Besides swimming, what are good aerobic exercises that I can do, that work out every muscle?
I am a swimmer, and I know that it is one of the best forms of exercise, since it works every muscle. Can you recommend some other good ways to exercise?

Best answer:

Answer by rkeith03
|| U\

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What exercises work well to shred your abs?

Question by Michael C: What exercises work well to shred your abs?
Any good exercises besides the normal-everyday ab exercises? I mean, everyone has their own tricks and exercises that work for them. Any tips?

Best answer:

Answer by hunsbunstonsoffun
Most important little trick you can do?

Do any of the exercises, crunches, sit ups, butterflies, whatever, but keep your lower back pressed into the floor AT ALL TIMES. I mean like hold it down, you’ll notice you won’t be able to work out as long or do as many. It’s really hard, but this builds your core strength, which helps you stand taller and helps from back-pain too!

Not enough people know how important it is, but it REALLY helps!

Also try taking some Pilates classes! All they do is focus on the core muscles and they teach a LOT of new moves to help!

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Q&A: Does pilates actually work? How fast do you see results?

Question by pinkfusion15: Does pilates actually work? How fast do you see results?
I really want to know if doing pilates does tone your body and how fast you can notice the results. Plus, does anyone know any good websites for pilates?

Best answer:

Answer by funkydesign03
Yes it does, and the younger you are the faster you will see results from it, but no matter what your age you will benefit from it. There are tons and tons of web sites on the net so my advise is to be sure when you choose a program that they practice all of Joseph Pilates principles. He was the creator of it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!