Category Archives: Joseph Pilates

I ordered the Winsor Pilates Workout System. Does it actually give the consumers the claimed benefits?

Question by Nini: I ordered the Winsor Pilates Workout System. Does it actually give the consumers the claimed benefits?
I recently ordered the Winsor Pilates System, the $ 85 one! I just hope that it wasn’t just a waste of money. I still yet have to try it, I am just waiting for it to come. Anyone out there who has tried it and actually gained some results, please let me know. It claims that it tones muscles, gives good structure to the body, helps to lose weight, etc. Does it actually do all that?

Best answer:

Answer by Tamara J
yes it works i have been doing it only the cheap one it doesn’t look like it to you that you loosing weight but it will to other people but you have to keep it up because it won’t work 3 times a week and its great i just had a baby and i have been toning up doing winsor pilates.

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Q&A: How can I tell if I’ll ever be flexible?

Question by Luxecashmere: How can I tell if I’ll ever be flexible?
I’d love to be flexible but I’m not sure if my body will let me (I’ve tried yoga and pilates- nothing). Is there a way to tell if I can be flexible?

Best answer:

Answer by pumpkin head
Anyone can be flexible, it just takes training and time.

Tip: Try yoga / pilates etc after a hot shower. It will warm up the muscles, tendons and ligaments in your body, giving them more ability to stretch and twist.

Also, dont push yourself too hard. Forcing it may cause tears or breaks – which never heal to their original strength and cause scaring.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!