“필라테스는 '몸치'에게 좋은 운동, 척추 유연해져”
필라테스(Pilates)는 사실 사람 이름이다. 독일인 요제프 필라테스(Joseph H. Pilates)가 고안했다. 요가랑 동작이 비슷해서 요가의 한 종류가 아니냐는 오해를 받기도 하지만 전혀 다르다. 부상으로 침상에 누워 있는 독일 병사들의 재활을 돕기 위해 여러 동작들 …
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Category Archives: Joseph Pilates
body questionn. [pilates]?
Question by madisonn.: body questionn. [pilates]?
what exactly does pilates do for your body?
do you see physical changes?
Best answer:
Answer by Jerdy
Nope! Not yet!
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Has anyone seen good results with Windsor Pilates?
Question by Robin S: Has anyone seen good results with Windsor Pilates?
I have the Windsor Pilates dvd with the ring and wondered if it really works.
Best answer:
Answer by Katie Girl
I love Winsor Pilates I have quite a few of their dvd’s I don’t have the ring one though. I got great results, I noticed my stomach first. I did them everyday for 2 months, I need to get back into it, just need some motivation. Enjoy it, it’s the only excercise that I was able to stick to and enjoy. Most others I would do for a week then give up.
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