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Category Archives: Pilates books
Winsor Pilates: Ab Sculpting Reviews
Winsor Pilates: Ab Sculpting
Mari Winsor’s Ab Sculpting Pilates workout will get you the flatter, defined stomach you’ve always dreamed of. In Pilates, the midsection is called the “Powerhouse” for a reason. Specific techniques are designed around your core or center which is the abdominal. Learn how every exercise that you do starts from the center of your body. Combined with a sensible eating plan, these exercises will help you shrink, shrink, shrink your waistline and get a great sexy midsection in no time at all!
Price: $ 3.75
Best Pilates for beginners?
Question by Andrea: Best Pilates for beginners?
I am getting close to my weight loss goal of 140…yay…! however, my mid section from chest to thighs REALLY needs some toning. I have 2 kids to thank for that, haha.
I was thinking pilates would be the best for me. I was wondering if anyone could recommend a really good program (dvd please, i do better watching than trying to get it from a book) that got good results. I need the beginners i think as i have never done it before. I am pretty good with tae bo and do a lot of walking, so i have some endurance-if that has anything to do with it*
I am more concerned with toning vs. weight loss, i think i finally have the loss thing figured out…lol
Any suggestions and/or recommendations would be extremely helpful!!! Thanks in advance for answering and helping me out!
i should mention- i no longer do the tae bo- i can’t handle much impact on my knees and lower back. Arthritic knees run in my family and i have had lower back weakness since twisting a disc a couple months ago. That’s another reason i would really like to strengthen those muscles.
*thanks for the recommendation so far! will definately look it up* 😉
thanks workouts! great info.
Best answer:
Answer by kate
all the 5 parts of this pilates regime is FANTASTIC!
my sister did this for 2 months…. 6 days a week and lost 8 kilos…… do it religiously…. helps tremendous amount!
all the best!!! 🙂
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