Category Archives: Pilates books

Hannah Waterman’s Body Blitz! Keep Fit DVD

Visit —– Other Keep Fit DVDs http http —– Pilates: http http http

Visit —– Other Keep Fit DVDs http http —– Pilates http http http

I am interested in yoga and pilates. Do you know of any good beginner books or videos?

Question by toothbrushx2: I am interested in yoga and pilates. Do you know of any good beginner books or videos?

Best answer:

Answer by sokokl
I have the title of two books that may help you find more information. The first one is Pilates for Dummies. Also check to see if there is Yoga for Dummies. I also have the link to a site that may help you find additional resources on Yoga. The link is at:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How do you tone those inner thighs?

Question by Wondering: How do you tone those inner thighs?
I want to lose 20 pounds and tone my body. I’ve started weight watchers and I know I will do it because I’ve done it before, but it’s the toning that gets difficult. I have an ab rocker for my crunches and an exercise bike for my legs and cardio, but what about those inner thighs? They are so hard to tone, I also have a book on pilates, I don’t know if that will help or not. Anyone have any ideas on the best and the quickest way to help tone the inner thighs?

Best answer:

Answer by waxingtheturtle2
Sitting at your computer on Yahoo! Answers isn’t going to work.

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