Category Archives: Pilates chair

Observations..cats and scratching behavior?

Question by Tammy: Observations..cats and scratching behavior?
I was just sitting here watching my cat. She comes over, puts her front feet on my chair, and proceeds to do that scratching thing….as in, what they normally do ON THE SCRATCHING POST…….(d*mmit ‘Wire!!!). I’ve been watching this behavior for years and I’m thinking I’ve overlooked something until now. Are they truly scratching in order to sharpen the nails or are they maybe stretching the toes, the feet and maybe the front legs?
I ask because ‘Wire has her toe nails dug into the padding of my chair completely, isn’t retracting them or removing them from the chair padding, and is rocking back and forth as if she’s doing cat pilates or something. Yes, I checked to see if she was stuck…she’s not. Also, I’ve noticed that she runs to the scratching post to scratch when she’s wound up and in “go” mode and then she scratches furiously. She does this other thing only when she first wakes up. Think this could be the equivalent of us stretching when we wake up? Something akin to the cute lil thing where they first lift the back and and then the front end or hunch up like an inch worm?
I was just curious to know what you think it’s purpose is….and save your breath…I know I’ve got WAY too much time on my hands!!!! (back injury…observing them is one of the only things I’m allowed to do right now…LOLOL) I highly recommend’s like Discovery at home channel!!

Best answer:

Answer by Kia
You have made an excellent observation!! Cat DO indeed stretch their back, arms and shoulders when they scratch, their claws help anchor them and help them stretch!! Scratching has all sorts of benefits to the cat. It helps them stretch, also it marks their territory, they have scent glands in their paws that they mark with. A clawed cat is a VERY happy cat!!

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Would you change anything about my work out plan?

Question by jennay: Would you change anything about my work out plan?
Keeping in mind that I am a Mama of two and also work full time so I can’t really add any additional work outs…is this a healthy balance of activities or would you change anything.

I work out 4 days a week:

Day 1: Treadmill jogging/running 20 minutes, elliptical 10 minutes, 12×2 reps for biceps, shoulders and triceps, ab work

Day 2: Advanced pilates 1 hour, 15 min run

Day 3: 1 or 2 mile run, abs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, gluts (weight lifting sessions usually takes 60 mins or so)

Day 4: 1 hour of Zumba, 20-30 mins of ab works and arms

Weight lifting is done with free weights and pilates moves (like pelvic thrusts, leg lifts, chair sits, etc.)

Anything I should be doing differently? I just want to be healthy overall, my target areas are defining my abs, getting leaner arms and leaner thighs.
Thank you for your unsolicited concern regarding my family. I work out after my children go to bed and while my husband is doing his work outs. I don’t really see how that is related to my question.
It probably takes closer to 45 minutes, I do a variety of exercises for each area. abs alone: plank, bicycle, double leg lift, ball crunches, twist with weight, etc. I do some minor back stuff but not much, good point. i also do push-ups at every work out. can do about 10 man push ups, 15 girly ones.
Diet is good – I eat “fresh”, keeping things as close to their natural form as possible avoiding at all costs: trans and sat fat, hydrogenated anything, high fructose corn syrup and anything that has sugar in the top 5 ingredients. I’m not perfect but I have a pretty healthy “diet”.

Best answer:

Answer by Mark K
yes I would do some chin ups and tuesdays and thursdays

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I Need Help Finishing A Feminine Acronym!?

Question by DennyV: I Need Help Finishing A Feminine Acronym!?
I’m a fitness instructor at a new women’s fitness center and we’re trying to come up with a positive, yet sexy descriptive acronym that best describes who we are and what we do. Just for reference, our facility is called ESTEEM Fitness and we teach pole dancing, chair dancing, pilates, boxing, Zumba, personal training and more. We’re a very close-knit family and love our clients very much. I’m having some trouble with the “M” part. So far, I have…

Empowering and

…and that’s all I could come up with! Any ideas or tweaks would be helpful, particularly in the “M” department. Remember, we’re a women’s fitness center so please suggest feminine ideas. Thanks! 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by soada7xb182yay
Magnificent, Motivating, and that’s all I can think of, sorry! I hope I helped at all!!

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