Category Archives: Pilates exercise

What exercise can i do as i have fractured and torn a ligament in my right ankle 4 days ago.?

Question by Amee A: What exercise can i do as i have fractured and torn a ligament in my right ankle 4 days ago.?
Its really swollen and bruised but i can kind of walk on it without my crutches as long as im only on my toes for my right foot so running and skipping etc is obviously out of the question.

Is there any exercise i can do that is strenuous enough to lose weight with?

Best answer:

Answer by ejay.hjay
theoretically any sport which doesn’t put pressure on your ankle!!
you could always do swimming, sit ups, pilates etc.

i tore ligaments in my ankle about 5 years ago when i was 14. I didn’t go on crutches (was riding horses competitively at the time and it was the middle of eventing season) and now have scar tissue in BOTH ankles which causes me a fair bit of pain.

Whatever you do, listen to your doctor and STAY ON THOSE CRUTCHES!

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Q&A: What is your favorite exercise to do in your home?

Question by wilye21680: What is your favorite exercise to do in your home?
I’m looking for suggestions of things to do when I can’t make it to the gym in the winter or have to save time by working out at home one day. I have weights that are five pounds and lower, an exercise step, and a workout mat. I do live in an apartment with people below me, so I don’t want to jump around too much.

Best answer:

Answer by Ziad
i like doing abs at home, but i have weights too, so benchpress is always good…but ur a girl so i dont think that would apply to u:P

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Q&A: Besides swimming, what are good aerobic exercises that I can do, that work out every muscle?

Question by Alice: Besides swimming, what are good aerobic exercises that I can do, that work out every muscle?
I am a swimmer, and I know that it is one of the best forms of exercise, since it works every muscle. Can you recommend some other good ways to exercise?

Best answer:

Answer by rkeith03
|| U\

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