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What is Pilate Exercise Regime?

What is Pilate Exercise Regime?

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Home Page > Sports and Fitness > Fitness > What is Pilate Exercise Regime?

What is Pilate Exercise Regime?

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Posted: May 28, 2008 |Comments: 0
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Pilate exercise is one of the fastest growing exercise methods in America. There are lots of advantages in doing Pilate exercise. It does not require heavy investments. Pilate exercises transform the way the body looks, feels and performs. It also helps in getting muscular strength without doing any bulky exercises. It helps to get toned body and it also helps in getting shaped thighs and flat abdomen.

Pilate teaches body awareness. It also focuses on mind relaxation and thereby increases the power of mind. It can also help in reducing pain. It helps the sports people especially athletes to avoid injuries. Pilate develops core strength and abdominal muscles.

Pilates build strengths without bulking up. It increases flexibility and it develops optimal core control. It helps you to get slim thighs and well toned body shape. It will refresh your body as well as mind. Sometimes it may be challenging yet it is safe.

Pilate exercises are simple to understand and easy to follow. Even a beginner can start doing this. However advanced exercises should be done only after practice. It can be practiced either on mat or with the help of equipments.

Pilate is most often performed in mat or reformer. A reformer is a piece of equipment which helps in doing Pilate exercises. This will help you to practice exercises easily and smoothly. What is  Pilate reformer is explained below;

There are many types of Pilate reformers available. You can select any one according to your requirement. Pilate reformers are available for professional use, home use, traditional Pilates and Contemporary Pilates. Most of the Pilate performers prefer Pilate reformer to mat since it will offer more support and resistance than a mat. However mat is cheap and flexible.

You can start Pilate exercises by visiting your nearby fitness or health club. Though these techniques can be learned by self, it is advisable to seek the help of a physical instructor. There are separate Pilate studios in various parts of United States. You can also visit there.

Pilates at home can be easy and comfortable. As a beginner you can start doing at home. But always be ready to seek the advice of the expert. Set up a gym at home and ask about certain movements that you find it difficult. Though Pilates are safe, avoid doing any exercise if it requires stress and produce some pain.

Pilates is offered in most of the rehabilitation centers. It is treated as a physical therapy to get cure form injuries. Most of the sports personalities start doing Pilates since theses exercises will improve the body and muscle strength. Core body strength really means that less chance for getting injuries.

Nowadays number of Hollywood Celebrities and dancers practice Pilates exercise to get relaxation. In fact Pilates increase the awareness of body and mind. You will learn to coordinate your body and mind by practicing these techniques. As they are simple and easy you can practice at home. Unlike conventional work outs, it will not require any in vestment. As already states it can be practiced on mat itself.

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Muna wa Wanjiru
About the Author:

Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Pilates for Years. For More Information on What Is Pilate, Visit His Site at What Is Pilate


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Pilates Boston philosophy is simple. Provide the best training environment and the highest quality instructors to produce incredible results for individuals.

We have a modern approach to Pilates, one that blends the best of all the training schools with what works best for you.

Our focus is always on helping you achieve your goals whether it be to recover from an injury or get ready for a high school reunion. Even our group classes tailor each session to each individual to get optimal results.

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Muna wa Wanjiru Has Been Researching and Reporting on Pilates for Years. For More Information on What Is Pilate, Visit His Site at What Is Pilate

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Find a Pilates Exercise Program for You!

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Home Page > Health > Wellness > Find a Pilates Exercise Program for You!

Find a Pilates Exercise Program for You!

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Posted: Aug 03, 2009 |Comments: 0


There is a Pilates exercise program for everyone. Whether you are an athlete, man, woman, child, elderly, pregnant women, whatever you want to perform Pilates exercises can be adapted to their needs.

Older – Older adults can prevent falls and improve their balance through the position of basic Pilates exercises and challenging.

Exercises such as the fact darts in soil can help to improve the upper back, while the workplace at the same time.

Banda Pilates exercises can also help with the upper body and core strength through exercises rowing type.

Many seniors experience an increase in energy, sleep more rest and less joint pain when doing Pilates exercises. Is not this worth so much less to give him a chance?

Find out why Pilates works for the elderly here:

# Why is Pilates good for the Aged

The Athlete – One Pilates exercise program can improve athletic performance for almost any sport.

Pilates exercises can help increase your speed and agility for sports and racquet ball.

Coordination and focus to develop from the practice of Pilates exercises conscious and aware of the movement to contribute to a better game.

Pilates has helped improve my balance, speed and flexibility for cycling. This contributes to a minor injury, faster recovery and improved strength and speed.

# Extreme Pilates

Men – A program of Pilates exercises designed to increase flexibility and decrease the back is a big factor why Pilates is becoming more popular among men.

But do not worry guys! Not only to look lean and does not mean that the impressive strength and range of motion for sports such as golf, tennis and ball sports.

Many professional players, basketball players, and yes, even football players are using it for conditioning and injury prevention.

# Benefits of Pilates for men

Women – Women, if you want to see younger, have more curves, they feel more confident to stand higher, and turn heads when you walk into a room and you have to give an opportunity to Pilates!

Remember, it is not just for movie stars and the rich. Pilates is available to everyone and every size. Check out the ebook here to get started, try a class, or find a certified instructor near you.

Discover how Pilates can save your back!

# Using Pilates Back Exercise for Women

Prenatal Pilates – Pilates do before and during pregnancy may help to increase the basis of its strength through the deep pelvic floor exercises. These exercises can help you through the process of delivery and to reduce the back pain that is felt during pregnancy.

Pilates exercises help improve your posture, in turn, reduce pain in the lower back to take the extra weight.

# Prenatal Pilates

Weight Loss – a Pilates exercise program can help you build lean muscle tissue decrease in the proportion of fat to muscle, which increases your metabolism.

Why have more lean muscle tissue so important?

Because the more muscle tone you have in your body more fuel (fat / carbohydrate) recorded at rest and at all times.

# Pilates for weight loss?

Kids – Pilates is fun! If you are doing Pilates mat or on the computer that is doing things you never thought possible and get in shape. Children love to be proven and he was asked to try something new.

I like doing Pilates with my nieces. They look at me rolling on the floor and call me crazy and then proceed to do what I’m doing. Before long we are laughing and having fun as rolling a ball, do the swan dive, the siren, and especially the seal! Oh, and love the name!

# Pilates for Children

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Yvonne Corilla
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fitness, health, muscles tone, physical exercise, pregnancy, pilates

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Q&A: Is yoga or pilates a good exercise for me?

Question by Jedi Girl: Is yoga or pilates a good exercise for me?
I am 5 foot 2 and I weigh 125. I walk on the treadmill everyday for 40 minutes or I will do 20 on the treadmill and 20 on the bike. I really want to become more flexible and flatten up my tummy some. Is it okay to do both yoga and pilates? Do you have any websites you would recommend? Any beginner tips?
Thought I should add this, I’m christian and is the spiritual part of yoga necessary?

How many minutes should you spend doing yoga or pilates?

Best answer:

Answer by Drunken Master
They are both good for toning and increasing your flexibility, you can get ideas to do it at home at

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!