Category Archives: Pilates

What specific things will pilates and yoga do for my body?

Question by Harmless Curiosity: What specific things will pilates and yoga do for my body?
I’m sorry I’ve asked similar things to this a couple times. I didn’t get very many answers. I was mainly wondering if pilates and yoga can help me loose weight. Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Jessica
Pilates will tone you

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

How many calories does pilates really burn?

Question by oatmeal55: How many calories does pilates really burn?
I did a 40 minute intermediate level yoga/pilates blend workout today. I weigh 120lbs. I barely broke a sweat. About how many calories do you think I burned?

Best answer:

Answer by JB7392
186.7 calories

If you aren’t feeling anything form the workout, it may be that you need a more advanced, intense workout, or you aren’t completing the moves properly. Most likely, you just need to increase the either the intensity or duration of the exercise.

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