Question by NONAME: How long should it take for me to get results from my pilates exercise?
How many times should I do it a week? I’m currently doing it for twenty minutes 4 days a week? Does that sound good or should I do more? If so how much more? I have asthma so I have a limit, I’m 16 and I will NOT take diet pills!
I’m not a fatty you small sized 15 year old!
Don’t worry the other one will drop someday (hopefully)!
I barely eat anything anyways!
Serously though eventually it will drop (maybe!!!!!!!!!!)
Best answer:
Answer by I need more Cowbell!®
Sounds like a good start. Keep that up and don’t overdo it with your asthma and all. I would think you might see some results in 3 or 4 weeks maybe. Don’t give up if results don’t come as soon as you’d like, hang in there!
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