Question by Reyna: i have questions about king arthur does anybody know who was lancelot?
also who is lucius?who is joseph of arimethea?and thomas malory?
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Answer by the_lipsiot
Lancelot was Arthur’s best and bravest knight, who ran off with Guinevere, Arthur’s wife.
I don’t know who Lucius is.
Joseph of Arimathea allegedly was the keeper of the Holy Grail who came to England and on planting his staff into the ground, it sprouted leaves and became the Glastonbury Thorn.
Thomas Malory wrote “Le Morte D’Arthur” a collection of the legends of Arthur (plus some of his own stories) which became probably the best known source in English of the Arthurian and Grail legends.
Don’t be nasty Randy – Thomas Malory at least was a real character.
…and yes I know of the Roman Lucius, but I don’t know of one who was connected to Arthurian legend.
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