3 Pieces of Equipment You Can Add to Your Pilates Arsenal
3 Pieces of Equipment You Can Add to Your Pilates Arsenal
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Home Page > Health > Wellness > 3 Pieces of Equipment You Can Add to Your Pilates Arsenal
3 Pieces of Equipment You Can Add to Your Pilates Arsenal
Posted: Jul 03, 2008 |Comments: 0
If you’re like me, you’re always looking for the latest and best new thing to tone up your muscles and body. A lot of people into the fitness scene will suggest yoga to newcomers, but yoga can be really hard to get into because of the hard to pronounce Sanskrit words, and the toughness of the exercises themselves. Pilates is a system very similar to yoga (think of it as yoga’s little sister), developed by Joseph Pilates during World War I. There’s a lot of different Pilates-related equipment out there though, and it can be a daunting task to pick and choose which equipment is right for your style.
The very first thing you should look into investing when you’re first starting a Pilates program, is a simple Pilates placement mat. If you know anything at all about Pilates, even the very basics, you know that you’re going to need one to do your exercises. The floor is way too hard for the type of stretching and other activities you’re going to be performing, and the bed is too soft. Both are at the very extreme end of each other, and neither beats a well-manufactured placement mat. One other fortunate thing about this necessary piece of Pilates equipment, is that it’s very cheap.
Arguably the best of the Pilates equipment out there, The Reformer, is used in all kinds of television studios for their Pilates-related morning programming (you’ve probably seen a bunch of guys and girls in multi-colored spandex stretching out on mats – that’s Pilates programming), and in regular classes around the country. If you’re a member of a gym that has Pilates classes, you’ve probably seen The Reformer a time or two. There are two types of Reformers – the spring ones and the gravity ones, and both are used for different purposes. They’re just like the name says; one uses springs for resistance, and the other uses gravity.
Another good thing to grab for your Pilates equipment arsenal is what is known as ‘The Cadillac’ in the industry. The Cadillac is a trapeze-like table that resembles a cage without bars. Straps and springs are attached to it, and these are used for the various Pilates exercises that you’re going to be doing. You can sit any way while using the machine, so that’s why a lot of Pilates enthusiasts seem to enjoy it. After all, freedom is what Pilates is all about, isn’t it?
In conclusion, there are many different good machines and devices out there to help enhance your Pilates experience. The main thing to keep in mind is that you want to be comfortable at all times, and able to actually perform your Pilates exercises. Don’t get Pilates equipment that’s going to break down at the first sign of activity, either.
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Alex Craig –
About the Author:
About the author: Alex Craig can help you get in shape. For more information on choosing Pilates Equipment, or other Pilates related info, please visit www.MedSourceUSA.com.
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About the author: Alex Craig can help you get in shape. For more information on choosing Pilates Equipment, or other Pilates related info, please visit www.MedSourceUSA.com.