Question by nicnic: What is the best form of exercise/martial arts to help gain complete muscle control and toning?
I’m looking for some type of martial art or other type of structured exercise (other than weight lifting) that will allow me to gain complete control over every muscle and movement as well as strengthen. I’ve looked at Judo and Muay Thai, but I’m not sure if they are what I’m looking for. Any suggestions? I am also a relatively small, young female that doesn’t want to be in a room full of nothing but competitive men.
Best answer:
Answer by chuck j
besides a good weight training regimine and proper diet i dont think there is such a thing, IMO. but people are always looking to get bigger and add muscle. what they dont understand that is a good exercise program no matter what it may be is only half of the equation, the other is a good diet or food regimine. without that you are defeating the purpose. you cant add muscle or tone muscle, well you can but only to a certain degree without proper nutrition.
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