Tag Archives: Equipment

what is the best equipment from pilates to tone your butt and get rid of the excess butt fat?

Question by Lexi: what is the best equipment from pilates to tone your butt and get rid of the excess butt fat?

Best answer:

Answer by AviB
If you want to get a nice toned butt, then there are tons of exercises you can do. Here is a great site that will absolutely help you out…




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Lastest Pilates Equipment News

Affordable gym offers good value
Navigating through the maze of promotions, deals and specials at Rio Rancho’s gyms can be overwhelming.
Read more on The Observer

First Week of Classes Has Students Beaming
The class utilizes a brand new piece of fitness equipment, the Beamfit beam, to target core muscles and improve balance and flexibility. “I’ve felt muscles that I have never felt worked before after using the beam,” said class instructor Lynn Herrmann.
Read more on Daily Illini

Need recommendations for fitness equipment: yoga, pilates, stretching?

Question by J F: Need recommendations for fitness equipment: yoga, pilates, stretching?
I want to install a small home gym in a 9.5 x 11.5 room (8′ ceiling) on my second floor. The purpose of this is two-fold: I need to lose weight, and I need to regain strength and flexibility.

I was thinking of installing a ballet bar or parallel bars and buying a new or used Total Gym (for pilates).

What do you all think? Anyone have experience with Total Gym? Any recommendations on an alternative piece of equipment?

Best answer:

Answer by mntlrldx
I recently bought a home gym. It is made by PowerTech and called the ‘workbench’. It is great!! It took a while to setup…the directions weren’t great but the machine is!! I bought it at Dick’s Sporting Goods. 8ft by 11ft. It was 00 without the weights…so I guess it depends on how serious you are and how much you have to spend.
It would be a lot of money to spend if a month or two from now you aren’t using it much.

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