Tag Archives: Exercise

Q&A: How to exercise and lose weight and not gain muscle?

Question by NewMoonisthebestmovieever!!!!!!!: How to exercise and lose weight and not gain muscle?
Is there a way to exercise and not gain muscle because I have heard that muscle weighs more than fat and you get that when you exercise. Well I am a lot overweight right now and I am scared that since I have been working out that I will get muscle and then I will weigh even more. Because I already weigh a whole lot more than I should and I don’t want to weigh even more?

Best answer:

Answer by gvr
do you wrestle? why do you care how much you weigh?

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What exercise do I need to do to get rid of this?

Question by Demonica™² Blood Thief: What exercise do I need to do to get rid of this?
Now that I getting to be 30 , my years of having a perfect butt are strting to take a turn
how can I explain this


look at this:


Im getting this triagle shape at the lower sides of my cheeks !

I want them GONE !

What excercises can I do ?

Best answer:

Answer by katyrose
thats like all the fat dropping into the lower bit of your ass.
umm i dont know.. im guessing something to tighten your butt.

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