A few nice Pilates exercise images I found:
Image by amy amy sue sue
Image by amy amy sue sue
A few nice Pilates exercise images I found:
Image by amy amy sue sue
Image by amy amy sue sue
Some cool Pilates exercise images:
Ruba’s form of exercise
Image by thefuturistics
stretch legs on floor
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Image by Pam loves pie
Monday nights is pilates night. After class, there often ends up being a few of us wandering around Sainsbury’s. Thanks to Helen and Val for doing squats with overhead arm raises in the detergent aisle.
Image by amy amy sue sue
Full 30 minute Pilates routine. Try this after the beginners routine. Do try this at home, get the rest of the series from our website www.efit30.com.au Get our app from the Apple App Store, Pilates, workouts, meditations. Questions, suggestions, comments, contact us info@efit30.com.au