Question by monieval_74: I need help with one pilates exercise?
I just got into this pilates workout,but there is one problem. There is just one exercise that is so hard for me to do, its called the roll up. It looks so easy just by watching it, but in reality for me I can barely well sort of can’t roll back up. I’m not fat , I’m you can say petite 5’2 with a Medium frame. Well, I was a small frame and weighed 106 and right after I had my son I’m a medium frame and weigh 148. I just need some advice or pointers about these pilates exercises? What do I do first for cardio and the pilates like the roll up and etc… Any advice?
Best answer:
Answer by Bonduesa
doing the roll-up takes time and practice. What you need to do, is just go up as far as you can, and don’t worry about not being able to do it.. In time, a month or two, your muscles will become stronger and you will be able to do a roll-up. Just stick with it. Good luck.
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