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What are the steps I should take to become a certified Pilates instructor?

Question by boredatwork: What are the steps I should take to become a certified Pilates instructor?
It’s something that I’d really love to do on the side. I’m working on Pilates and getting fit now. Anyone out there already an instructor. How did you get there? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by intrepid1877
I am not a pilates instructor, however, check out this link.

I think it will help you get your certification.

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How To Become A Pilates Instructor In 4 Quick Steps

How To Become A Pilates Instructor In 4 Quick Steps

How To Become A Pilates Instructor In 4 Quick Steps

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Home Page > Sports and Fitness > How To Become A Pilates Instructor In 4 Quick Steps

How To Become A Pilates Instructor In 4 Quick Steps

Posted: Mar 08, 2010 |Comments: 0


Pilates is now one of the most popular exercise methods in the world today. Many individuals enrol to different fitness centres just to achieve the ultimate Pilates experience. Pilates has two key elements: core muscle strength and spinal alignment.

This requires complex movements and muscle flexibility to learn efficient exercise methods and to achieve successful results. Most health schools and fitness institutions need qualified instructors to guide Pilates practitioners and help them attain the best results from Pilates. Job opportunities are pouring in for many health and fitness providers to be able to build a career and here is how to become a Pilates Instructor in four quick steps.

Enroll in Pilates Training Courses

Pilates certification is necessary to be able to qualify and professionally teach Pilates. Pilates certification is generally divided into two parts: the Pilates mat certification and the Comprehensive Pilates certification. Aside from these, there are various levels of advanced training available for those who would like to specialise in a certain field of Pilates teaching.

Take the National Pilates Certification Exam

Every professional practitioner requires certification exams to evaluate their technical knowledge and skills in teaching their chosen field of profession. Although some fitness centres or health schools might not require any certifications for those who want to teach Pilates, it is still advised to acquire one. It will be your best protection in being a Pilates provider. You can also acquire certification for combining Pilates with the use of fitness equipments and other exercise methods. This includes yoga-Pilates or Pilates on ball techniques that will enhance your skills and efficiency as a Pilates instructor.

Be Physically Fit

In order to provide effective Pilates teaching, you should be physically fit yourself. Pilates uses muscle flexibility and core muscle stability that can be very difficult to execute and teach if your body is not properly conditioned. You may be putting your students and yourself at risk when performing complex movements and exercises. You should also be aware of the six essential Pilates principles to give your practitioners the real Pilates experience. Centering, Concentration, Control, Precision, Breath and Flow form the foundation of providing the correct Pilates approach that makes it unique from any other exercise methods of today.

Build Discipline

In order to become an effective Pilates instructor you should be able to acquire self-discipline and passion for Pilates. Teaching requires patience, diligence and love for the field. Many students will need your energy and attention towards their own performance to be able to teach them the proper ways of executing Pilates. Communication is also a very important part of being a Pilates instructor. Pilates is more physical than any other kind of physical exercises or activities. You should be able to let your students feel Pilates in a more holistic perspective.

Young health professionals are more and more interested in taking Pilates courses in Dublin to enhance their own skills and well-being. Pilates teacher training courses are widely offered by most health and fitness schools to many health practitioners and professionals and Pilates isexpected to become a flourishing career in the years to come.

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Simona Rusnakova
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This article was submitted by Simona Rusnakova, SEO consultant of 3r.ie, on behalf of National Training Centre

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I had a 1year old poodle,he’s potty train in a tray with newspaper but he always stepped on his pee and he refused to pee with a metal grill on the tray.how to make him to pee with the metal grill…
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Source:  http://www.articlesbase.com/sports-and-fitness-articles/how-to-become-a-pilates-instructor-in-4-quick-steps-1955811.html

Article Tags:
pilates courses dublin, pilates training, pilates teacher training

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Become a Pilates Instructor through Pilates Teacher Training

Become a Pilates Instructor through Pilates Teacher Training

Become a Pilates Instructor through Pilates Teacher Training

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Home Page > Health > Wellness > Become a Pilates Instructor through Pilates Teacher Training

Become a Pilates Instructor through Pilates Teacher Training

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Posted: Aug 12, 2010 |


Pilates training is an effective workout regimen that was developed and refined over the years to build up the core body muscles and improve flexibility at the same time. People who want to get in top physical condition value Pilates workout sessions because they can stay fit without extensive strength training and aerobic exercise.

Despite its growing popularity, there is a shortage of qualified Pilate’s instructors who can teach the essential Pilates workout and exercise routines. This trend opens up great career opportunities for individuals who are interested in becoming a Pilate’s instructor. Of course, the first step is passing a comprehensive Pilates teacher training course.

Pilates Teacher Training

It is important to point out that there are no shortcuts in Pilates training because unlike typical personal training programs, it requires you to undergo a rigorous program that combines hundreds of hours of classroom lectures and daily Pilates workouts.

Before you go into Pilates training, you must be fit both intellectually and physically. You also need to have a background as a certified fitness trainer or as a licensed rehabilitation specialist. There are many popular Pilates training centres throughout Australia and many of them offer different training courses.

Choosing the Best Pilates Teacher Training

The best Pilates teacher training mixes the traditional Pilates workout proposed by Joseph Pilates with modern exercise regimens developed by the world’s top Pilates practitioners. Observe the following guidelines in choosing the best Pilates training program:

–    The qualifications and experience of the program director
–    Pilates training background of the program facilitators
–    Scheduling and full duration of the program
–    Pre-requisites for the entry of the program
–    Advanced Pilates workout sessions
–    Pilates certification and examination

If you who want to become a Pilate’s instructor, you have to obtain certification for various Pilates teacher training programs. Below are examples of three Pilate’s teacher training certifications that you can obtain.

1.    Mat Instructor Certification
The Pilates mat training will cover all of the basic mat exercises with modifications to suit the client’s needs. This course is usually offered as an intensive weekend session or over the course of two weekends. Once you get certified, you can now train in Pilate’s equipment.

2.    Equipment Instructor Certification
Students should have at least one year of extensive Pilate’s workout sessions and private lessons. An important pre-requisite here is the completion of the Pilates teacher training for mat exercises before learning to teach equipment use. You will also undertake basic education in anatomy and human kinetics to learn more about how the human body works. The cost of this training varies depending upon the program.

3.    Hybrid Certification
Recently, there is the growing trend wherein Pilates is combined with other exercise methods and elements of various fitness equipment thereby adding yoga, exercise balls, and aquatics in Pilates workout sessions. Unlike the other two certifications, there are no pre-requisites.

Once you passed the Pilates teacher training, you can become a certified Pilate’s instructor. With your certification, it’s your responsibility and more importantly privilege to help people learn Pilates!

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About the Author:

Cynthia Lochard’s Pilates Method Studio is a Sydney-based Pilates training centre that specialises in the True Pilates Method of body conditioning. It offers private and group Pilates classes supervised by our highly qualified instructors at its fully equipped training centre.


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Ask our experts your Wellness related questions here…200 Characters left

I am a mid-career school teacher who REALLY wants out of education, but I don’t have the money right now to re-train. What can I do with 18 years teaching experience and a B/A in English?
Are there preferably available grants or loans to obtain a certificate to become a Pilates teacher by attending the program at the TruePilatesNY West located in NYC?
What training or schooling is required to be a preschool teacher?

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Source:  http://www.articlesbase.com/wellness-articles/become-a-pilates-instructor-through-pilates-teacher-training-3020743.html

Article Tags:
pilates instructor, pilates studio, pilates teacher training, pilates training, pilates workout

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Cynthia Lochard’s Pilates Method Studio is a Sydney-based Pilates training centre that specialises in the True Pilates Method of body conditioning. It offers private and group Pilates classes supervised by our highly qualified instructors at its fully equipped training centre.